••• VERY IMPORTANT: If you upgrade to a newer version of CopyPaste, you have to remove any older version manually from the Extensions Folder of your System. You should also delete the files CopyPasteData and CopyPasteStore from the Preferences Folder of your System. In Version 3.3 • Automatic detection of whether an application uses a private clipboard or the deskscrap was added. This removes the screen flickering from those programs which use the deskscrap for their private data, i.e. SimpleText, CodeWarrior and others. This will also improve compatibility with those programs. Microsoft products however may still have this annoying flickering. • The interface for keyboard usage has been altered a little. You will now notice that the copy or paste action happens immediately after the number of the clip is typed. The Multipaste option becomes more intuitive by this and the general behaviour differs less from the usual clipboard usage. Likewise it is now possible to paste the same clipboard again and again without releasing the command key. • Two compatibility options for copys without interference of CopyPaste have been introduced. 1. If you copy anything using the keyboard, you can type command + c + c. 2. If any of the modifier keys, i.e. option, cmd, shift, capslock, ctrl is pressed, then the CopyPaste submenus will not appear in the Edit menu. Some fax programs require a hotkey to display the "Fax" command instead of "Print" command and this hotkey disables CopyPaste temporarly. • The preferences code and a new preferences dialog with new options are completely rewritten. • You can now choose different hot keys for both the AppSwitcher and Tag and Drop. • The AppSwitcher now detects whether you changed to a previous program without using the AppSwitcher. When you use it again it will not show this previous program at the first place in the list, but it will show the next one from the list highlighted. • The icons in the AppSwitcher are correct now for all color resolutions. • The Clip Archives are now created in a separate Folder called CopyPaste Clip Archive, which will be located on the Desktop the first time its used. • If the Palette is zoomed or called by cmd + c + click, then it will now always be entirely visible, i.e. it would be moved if you click to low or to near to the right side of the screen in order to fit on the screen. • New buttons are located at the bottom of the CopyPaste Palette. You can use the Trash button to delete all clips. To delete the clips individally option-click on that clip. • The ability to save a set of clips is new in verion 3.3. If you click the Floppy button on the CopyPaste Palette, then you are prompted to save the current ClipSet, clicking the Open Folder button lets you load an already saved ClipSet. • When the Palette is in its small size (after hitting the zoom box in the top right corner), then clipboards with data will have a gray background and empty clipboards will be white. We added this indicator to let you see which clipboards are empty or full since you can't see the data in the collapsed palette. • Clip Recorder is a brand new feature. The last 10 items copied with command c are all remembered. They are stored on a stack. Each time you use command c that clip is placed on the stack and previous clips are moved up a slot. • A bug which causes a lack of responsiveness to the cmd + c was fixed. • The bug in MSWorks which caused the menu to stay highlighted after usage of one of the CopyPaste items is worked arround. • The bug in PopupFolder 2.0.1 and Now Folder Menus which disabled the menu functionality of CopyPaste is worked around. • Many other less serious bugs are removed.